Welcome to the revival Academy




We need a heaven sent revival!

Heaven’s remedy in times of crisis has always been revival among the people of God.

The testimony of history is that reformation and transformation in society frequently begins with revival in the church. From the days of the early church, through the Great Awakenings of the 18th and 19th century, God has intervened in the affairs of man through historic movements of the Holy Spirit in the church.

At The Revival Academy we are asking and believing for God to once again pour out His Spirit and awaken a generation  of men and women to love Him with all their hearts, walk in radical obedience to His Word by the power of the Holy Spirit  and impact every area of society with the Gospel.


God is looking for men and women who have encountered His heart, understand His ways, know the times and seasons in which we live, and have learned to walk in His power, love and compassion towards one another and the world.

We believe that ministry training takes place best in contexts that combine rigorous study of God’s Word and development of practical ministry tools, with dynamic opportunities for encounter with God through worship and prayer, growth of the heart in love for God, and movement of the heart in compassion for God’s people and society.

We believe that the formation of a Jesus follower takes place most effectively in both the presence of God and in the midst of a company of people who are growing together in love for God and one another.  It has been said that it takes a village to raise a child. In the same way, it takes participation in a dynamic community of believers to become a radical lover and follower of Jesus.

Our desire at The Revival Academy is to create a place for you to:

Encounter and grow in intimate friendship with God

Develop your understanding of God and His ways

Grow in your character and form deep friendships

Discover and develop your gifts and calling